Monday, December 24, 2012

Boxing Day Sale!

Or, as we in the US simply like to call it, Day After Christmas sale!

Enter the code: BOXINGDAY in the coupon field on Etsy and receive 20% off of your purchase price. To help with the gift that Santa didn't bring. ;)
The code will be active from 12/24-12/29.

I've also got some new (better) pictures of Ankylosaurus:

Ankylosaurus: Ferocious Herbivore

Ankylosaurus' Club Tail

Armored Plate (inaccurately squishy)

Bad dreams won't stand a chance.

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've ended up moving twice in one month... not an experience I'd recommend to anyone. I've just about got everything back in order now. I'll coming out with a few new frog designs (as well as a couple other sea creatures I hope you'll enjoy) soon, so stay tuned.

Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Ferocious Ankylosaurus!

You'd better watch out, because there's a new herbivore in town, and he means business!

Introducing The Toy Cove's fearsome Ankylosaurus:
He's got armor. He's got a club tail. And he's got attitude.
Ankylosaurus doesn't mess around.
Looking for the perfect guard-dino? You found him.
Just look at that armor.

The Toy Cove's Ankylosaurus came about when one of the neighborhood kids asked for "a green dinosaur with an angry face."

That club was made for knockin', and that's just what he'll do.

I was really pleased with how his bony plates came out.
Ankylosaurus' armored back plates

Underside of plate. I think it'd make a good turtle shell.
Ankylosaurus is available on Etsy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

December Updates (with lots of links)

Where has the time gone?

I apologize for my absence; I was moving. I'm afraid I don't have any new toys to show off (but expect an Ankylsosaurus in a few days...). I have, however, been busy putting up new stores for The Toy Cove on non-Etsy sites (Etsy is still the best, but I want to expand my reach).

You can now find The Toy Cove on:





Of course, you can still buy our products from Etsy, Ebay and

Of the new sites, I like Goodsmiths and Zibbet best so far. Goodsmiths has some great seller tools and stats, and Zibbet seems easy for buyers to use.

Also, have I mentioned that there's a mailing list? If you'd like to be kept aware of blog and other updates, sign up here (you'll have to scroll). I'll be sending out new coupon codes (that won't be posted here) through the newsletter, and I promise not to spam you, so go ahead. :) You can also get the latest coupons by liking The Toy Cove on Facebook.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday & Small Business Saturday Savings!

First of all, congratulations to our giveaway winner! There's one very happy piggy bank over here waiting to go to his new home.

I've been adopted!

But for all of you who did not win, you can still get some sweet savings today and tomorrow. There's free shipping on every item at The Toy Cove on Etsy, plus a coupon for 25% off of anything. Just enter the code BLACKFRIDAY at checkout anytime on Friday or Saturday (EST). The best part is you can use that coupon code as many times as you like over the next 48 hours.

Happy holiday shopping, everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Items and New Promotions

This week, I'm pleased to introduce another Poison Dart Frog:

Neon Green Poison Frog
Mr. Neon Green Poison Dart Frog.

(a bit bleached out in this photo)

Due to a shortage in my supplies of neon green felt, there's only one of these guys available at the moment, so snatch him up if you like him! ;) He's available via The Toy Cove's Etsy shop.

I've also added some new varieties to the Baby Owl collection.

Also available through Etsy.

Each little owl has a bean bag inside.

Lastly, I've been working on a few promotional items.

Hooray for spray paint and poster board!

A finished bag, owlet-sized.

A thank-you coupon for buyers.

Don't forget; there's still time to enter The Toy Cove's giveaway. You could win your very own Plush Piggy Bank. :)

Want to get the latest news and newest coupons? Join The Toy Cove's mailing list!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Giveaway! Win a Plush Piggy Bank

The Toy Cove is holding its first-ever giveaway! The prize is a brand new, handmade plush piggy bank.
Made from 100% US-made materials, this kawaii little pig has a zippered pocket in his back to hide your treasures.

To enter, simply like our Facebook page.
You can also comment on this blog for an additional entry.
It's that easy!

You can also check him (and other plushies) out on The Toy Cove's Etsy page.

(Sadly, this contest is only open to the US and Canada.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Giveaway Coming Soon...

I'm excited to announce that I'm getting ready to launch The Toy Cove's first ever giveaway!

The prize is a Plush Piggy Bank.

The contest will be held on Facebook, and all you'll need to do is like and comment on The Toy Cove's Facebook page.
It starts as soon as I get the new product pages finished on (about another two days). So, if you haven't already, like the page and subscribe to this blog so you'll be kept informed!

(if you don't want to wait and take the chance, Plush Piggy Bank is also available on The Toy Cove's Etsy page.)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Visit The Toy Cove on Ebay

The Toy Cove has finally branched out to Ebay. Though the account is about a year old, it has only two articles of feedback. You can see on The Toy Cove's page my well-established personal account, in case the small feedback is worrisome.

Hope to see you there!

P.S., with November just a few days away, I'm getting ready to release some Christmas-themed plushies! I've learned that it is never to early to get started on holiday shopping.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dia de los Muertos Sugar Skull Dolls!

Just in time for Day of the Dead, here's a delicious sugar skull.

Plush Calavera de Azucar

Ready to celebrate!

I've never seen a sugar skull decorated in the back, but it looked so plain unadorned.

So I added a flower.

(Available through The Toy Cove on Etsy.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Poison Dart Frog Plushie

I present The Toy Cove's latest addition: The poison dart frog!

He's quite a personality, as you can see.

My sweetheart suggested an orange and black poison dart frog for Halloween, and I must admit it was a very good idea.

"You can't see me!"

He seems like the Halloween-y type. Just as long as he stays away from anyone wanting his toes for a potion...

He's 11'' long, crafted from eco-fi rainbow felt (made in the USA from recycled plastic bottles), and sports two neon green safety eyes.

He's available for adoption on Etsy.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Introducing Plushie Babies

It would seem The Toy Cove has a new best-seller:
The Baby Owl.

When you have so many owls roosting about, you're surely going to end up with a hatchling.

...or two...

And with so many frogs, you know a few tadpoles will show up too.

The response to the babies has been surprising. It would seem everyone loves a baby owl (I haven't given the tadpole to a test audience yet, so no statistics on him yet).
I hope to have a few of these up on Etsy tomorrow, and on the The Toy Cove's website shortly thereafter.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Autumn Jubilee

Well, we're back from the Autumn Jubilee craft show.

It was The Toy Cove's first big show, and the toys and I have been working non-stop for the past few weeks in preparation.

Many toys got ready for what we all hoped would be their adoption day. It was an emotional time for all, especially as prototypes and adoptable plushies say their goodbyes.

The studio had been getting more and more hectic as the day drew nearer; pigs and frogs were piled up everywhere, last-minute fixes were being made, heads were being counted, and every now and again someone cried out, "But I don't have a tail yet!"


At the same time, displays were being touched up and loaded into the car, and I was double-checking the promotional material.

Brochure and business cards  

Personalized bags
My very first eraser stamp (the business is on a budget).

I loaded everyone up in their car seats (moving boxes) on Friday night, and early Saturday morning, we set off.

Thousands of people come to the Autumn Jubilee every year, so we were expecting to say goodbye to many friends as they found their new families.
A quick phone image of The Toy Cove's booth

Unfortunately, despite the park being absolutely mobbed, during the eight hours we were there, only one baby owl was adopted.

At six o'clock, everyone got back into their boxes. I assured them that tomorrow was another day, and that it would certainly be better.

On Sunday morning, I awoke to find that it was raining outside, and had been all night long. At eight a.m. I called the park to see if the show would go on (it was still dark and pouring), and found that all vendors were expected to show up. Thankfully, we had a canopy to sit under.

The day was cold and damp, but a few hundred people still showed up. Another baby owl was adopted.

One of the Pocket Pigs was feeling a little down (and who could blame him?), so I let him come down from the display shelf and curl up in my lap.

Pig in a blanket

All in all, the show was a flop, but not just for us. Many other vendors complained of their astonishingly low sales (especially compared to the high turnout). Although I had never been to the Jubilee as a vendor, I had at least expected to earn back the cost of my spot.

But, it was very validating to see so many people pause at the booth and fawn over all the toys. Over and over again, a passing child's eyes would pop, and they'd try to escape their parent to run to a display and squeal over a frog or pig.

"Mama look! Frogs!"

"I want this little pig! Please? I really want him."

"You can zip them; they have a pocket. Look!"

I was disappointed, at first, by the lack of sales, but even after a long, cold day, the toys were all beaming with pride and delight. It's impossible to stay bummed when a Long-Leggity Frog is about to burst with happiness at being so loved by strangers.

Visit The Toy Cove's website or Etsy Shop.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thanks to FatFreeCart, the world can now buy plushies directly from The Toy Cove's website.

It's pretty much the same as buying through Etsy as far as shipping and product costs to the buyer. In fact, you might prefer Etsy because of its feedback system. Or you might prefer and Google Checkout for their simplicity.

The choice is yours. :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Another crafter you should know

I have to take a break from my regular postings to share something cool with you all.

Plushplex is an artist of plush. I accidentally came across their blog concerning Pinnopea, which look to me like they belong in a Studio Ghibli world. They have other adorable things, like Glum Ninjas, but last night I came across Pastry Monsters. So clever. So detailed. So unbelievably cute.

So if you've never heard of them, go check them out on Etsy or on their blog.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Kawaii Pocket Pigs!

You may have noticed from previous blogs that Kawaii Pocket Pig has been in the making for some time. Well, get ready for an overload of cuteness, because they're here.


Pocket Pig has, as you might expect, a pocket in his/her back, just like a piggy bank. When I was little, I had a polar teddy bear with a hidden pocket under her arm. Don't ask me to explain why, but I found it delightful to hide my plastic bracelets and boardwalk tokens with her. There's just something about having a secret place to store treasures that makes childhood more exciting.
And so Pocket Pig was conceived.

The treasures!
I've recently discovered that these little piglets are extremely sociable. They'll strike up an enthusiastic conversation with any of your other plushies, pets, roommates, or anyone else who wanders by. In fact (and I think this is adorable), 1st Pig could not wait for his sibling to be completely stitched together. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish 2nd Pig last night, but promised I'd complete him/her in the morning.
This morning, when I opened the studio door, I saw a cheerful 1st Pig talking excitedly to their not-yet-born sibling:

They do the cutest things. <3

(Available on Etsy)